2000 Mowry Ave.
Fremont, CA 94538
Telephone: (888) 494-7003
Washington Hospital's Institute for Joint Restoration and Research has
been established to provide Washington Township Health Care District residents
with the latest proven surgical and rehabilitation protocols for hip,
knee and shoulder joint replacement, rehabilitation and research.
The Institute was established by Washington Hospital in June 2012 to serve
as a Center of Excellence with the goal of advancing the field of knee
and hip joint replacement through research, education and clincial outcome
improvements. In 2020 the Institute introduced treatment options for shoulders.
The Institute is modeled on similar Centers of Excellence at other leading
U.S. hospitals.
The Institute grew out of Washington Hospital's Center for Joint Replacement,
long recognized by various health organizations for outstanding work in
the field of joint replacement. Under the co-medical directorship of Dr.
John Dearborn and Dr. Alexander Sah, the Institute's goals are to improve
patient outcomes and eliminate variations in care by maximizing efficiency,
thereby reducing the cost of care delivery.
The Institute is open to all patients whose physicians meet the participation
criteria and agree to utilize the Institute's surgical and patient care
protocols. Among the requirements, a surgeon must perform 150 joint replacements
annually, an average of three per week. This requirement is based on clear
evidence that higher volume is associated with improved patient outcomes.
Patients must meet the clinical criteria for becoming a joint-replacement
candidate and agree to participate in the Institute's research protocols.
The Institute is covered by most health insurance programs and accepts
Medicare and Medi-Cal patients.
The Institute is committed to collecting high-quality and relevant data about hip, knee and shoulder joint replacement surgery and the outcomes of current techniques. The Institute‘s extensive research database provides the foundation for clinical research. In a continuous quest to improve the quality of care and ensure superior patient experiences, the Institute will support and enable related research, and subsequently monitor and report outcomes of the studies. The Institute is also committed to patient education as an important aspect of care and provides the tools and most up to date information to best inform the community of current joint replacement practice. Furthermore, the specialized techniques and ongoing research activities of the Institute will contribute to the learning of fellow surgeons, both locally and nationally.
For more information on the CMS Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model, go to whhs.com/CMS-CJR.
See Our State-of-the-Art Facility
The Institute is located in the new Center for Joint Replacement building, which is adjacent to the main hospital building. The facility is ideally suited to the needs of our patients and features private patient rooms, lots of natural light and a beautiful setting.
Better Results Through Clinical Research
Joint replacement care is provided to every patient in a highly personal and compassionate manner. The team of surgeons, physicians and clinical staff are committed to advancing the joint replacement field through clinical research and constant improvements to promote the best possible patient outcomes.
At the Institute for Joint Restoration and Research, our talented team of physicians, physician assistants, nurses and therapists work together in delivering the very best care.
Learn why the patient experience at the Institute for Joint Restoration and Research is second to none.
Interested in the details of minimally invasive joint replacement surgery? Dr. John Dearborn and Dr. Alexander Sah explains the procedures in greater detail - click on the links below to learn more.
To learn more about the Institute for Joint Restoration and Research, and the criteria physicians must meet to join the IJRR, we invite you to visit the IJRR FAQs page.