The Washington Hospital Service League awards the following scholarships annually to students who are pursuing studies in a health-related field and are a resident of Washington Hospital District, which includes Fremont, Newark, Union City and part of Hayward or are a current Washington Hospital volunteer or currenting in the nursing program at CSU East Bay, Ohlone or Chabot community colleges. Two health career scholarships are awarded each year to graduating high school seniors and/or college students pursuing studies in a health-related field. Each scholarship is for $1,000 per year and is renewable each year for three additional years as long as the student remains in a health-related program. In addition, the student must continuously remain in good standing with a 2.5 GPA or higher. The scholarship is limited to four years. This year, three $1,000 memorial scholarships are also available.
The following application is used for all available scholarships.
Download the Service League Scholarship Application
Scholarship applications are also available at Washington Hospital lobby desk, 2000 Mowry Avenue in Fremont.
To apply, submit a completed application with an official high school or college transcript and two letters of recommendation no later than April 1. A committee will interview applicants who meet the above criteria and notify recipients of the awards in late May.