Marian Strider
- Author: Marian Strider
- Date Submitted: Mar 19, 2021

For the Marian Strider, an academic medical center and a community hospital came together at the right time.
Washington Hospital and UCSF Medical Center are teaming up to bring you the best health care in our community.
Marian Strider of Pleasanton knew that her family history of breast cancer put her at a high risk for cancer (her mother and two of her aunts had breast cancer). Her gynecologist, Dr. Victoria Leiphart, referred her to the Washington Cancer Genetics Program which includes a UCSF genetics counselor. Marian had genetic testing and learned that she carries a genetic mutation that greatly increases her risks for both breast and ovarian cancers. Marianne recently married and wants to start a family, so her genetic counselor referred her to in vitro fertilization (IVF) which involves embryo testing. Doctors will provide Marian with increased surveillance for her cancer risks and will closely monitor all her test results, prescriptions, allergies and immunizations while she establishes her family. This award-winning team of hospitals has given Marian the confidence to plan for a healthy future.